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Montana Bankruptcy Attorneys

The law firm of Goodrich & Reely, PLLC, serves clients throughout Montana.


Commercial Bankruptcy: We Offer Guidance Throughout A Difficult Process

Businesses have highs and lows; bankruptcy is among the most stressful and difficult lows. Sometimes, your business strategies do not pan out, or events beyond your control upend your objectives. A bankruptcy, however, does not mean that your business is over. It is simply a new beginning.


At Goodrich & Reely, PLLC, our attorneys have years of experience in all aspects of business law, including bankruptcy. Filing for debt reorganization is a difficult decision for any business leader. However, we have built a reputation across Montana as a source of strength and confidence in business law matters. We are here to help.

What Will Bankruptcy Look Like?

The federal bankruptcy code governs commercial bankruptcy, specifically Chapter 11, Chapter 12 and Chapter 9. Attorney Malcolm Goodrich is a certified bankruptcy lawyer who has helped many companies through the challenges of business bankruptcy, which is often tied to Chapter 11 bankruptcy.


We want to answer your most pressing questions, including:


  • What is a Chapter 11?: A Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a specific portion of the Bankruptcy Code that allows companies to reorganize debt.

  • What does Chapter 11 accomplish?: Reorganizing debt allows a company to begin a new payment plan and seek relief. It can help keep your doors open while you go through these difficulties.

  • Who is eligible for Chapter 11?: Chapter 11 is available to individuals, partners or corporations operating a business. It is not available for personal bankruptcy.

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Please know that every bankruptcy is different, and your challenges will be unique. You can overcome these difficulties without assistance and take back control of your business’s future.

Who can be adopted?

According to MCA 42-1-105 (1)(a)-(c), a child can be adopted if:


  • the child has no living parent

  • the rights of the child’s living parents or guardians have been terminated by a Court; or

  • a parent, the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS), or a licensed child placing agency with legal custody of the child consents to the adoption in writing.


An adult may be adopted by another adult without the consent of his/her birth parents. MCA 42-4-401.

We Answer Your Questions. We Help You Plan.

We are a proud business law firm providing services to Montana’s commercial enterprises. Our attorneys go to great lengths to get you the answers that you need and work hard to help you plan for your future. They’re not afraid to get their hands dirty and do the hard thing to achieve your goals. Call us at 406-256-3663 or send us an email to schedule a meeting.


*We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.


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Missoula Location
2315 McDonald Ave Ste 200
Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 541-9700
Billings Location
2812 1st Ave N Ste 301 
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 256-3663

© 2024 Goodrich & Reely PLLC |

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